Volunteer at the Ranch!
We know through our work at Randy's Rescue Ranch, that our volunteers are invaluable. We could not save as many lives as we do without our volunteers giving their time so generously! There are a variety of ways to contribute, so please fill out a volunteer application today and request to join the Facebook Group RRR Volunteers &. Fosters to stay up to date with opportunities when they come available.
Volunteer Opportunities Include:
Saturdays - We always like help with open day needs including barn sitters, merch sales, engaging with guests
Fundraising & Events - help us put on some fun events and fundraise so that we can save more animals
Beautification & Property Maintenance - Help keep RRR looking its best. Weeding, weed whacking, gardening, landscaping & groundskeeping, debris pick up
Cleaning, dusting and organizing barns
Animal Enrichment! Groom horses, help the pigs scratch an itch
Fence repair
Special projects

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