Faith was found by a good samaritan on the side of the highway in May 28, 2021. We are guessing she was either hit by, or thrown out of, a car. Either way this beautiful soul was left broken on the side of a busy highway. Her angel rushed her to a nearby vet hospital and doctors confirmed the worst - she was paralyzed. The vet office tried desperately to locate her owners, but no one came forward to claim her. And Randy’s Rescue Ranch got the call.

Faith was transported immediately to our amazing vets where she received a battery of tests and treatment for her wounds. And while she was diagnosed with some paralysis, doctors felt hopeful that physical therapy and acupuncture could yield some amazing results - and Faith has not disappointed. After several rounds of PT, Faith has begun to regain some use of one of her back legs! She continues to heal mentally and physically.

Faith is proof that dogs are resilient and with a little love and faith, we can accomplish great things.


Faith needs continued physical therapy and acupuncture for wellness and to keep her mobility progress moving forward. If you’d like to sponsor Faith, or contribute toward her physical therapy, click the link below!

PT Package/10 visits - $573.69

PT Package/6 visits - $452.73


UPDATE: 12/14/22

Poor Faith stopped eating and drinking and spent 3 days in the hospital. She seems to be on the mend, but her vet bill is over $1,600 and continues to climb. Please consider a making a donation to support Faith’s recovery.



